Cloud-based inventory management vs. on-site inventory management

October 24, 2021

Cloud-based inventory management vs. on-site inventory management

Inventory management is a critical aspect of any business, big or small. It involves keeping track of stock levels, forecasting demand, and maintaining a steady flow of supplies to meet customer demand. With the advent of technology, businesses now have the option to choose between on-site inventory management and cloud-based inventory management.

So, which is better? Let's take a closer look at both options.

On-site inventory management

On-site inventory management involves managing products physically, through in-house logistics and supply chain. It requires establishing a warehouse or storeroom on business premises and setting up inventory policies and procedures.

One of the biggest advantages of on-site inventory management is that businesses can have greater control over their inventory management policies and can customize them to their specific needs. They also have physical access to the inventory, making it easier to perform spot checks and conduct stocktakes.

However, on-site inventory management can be expensive, requiring investment in facilities, equipment, and staff. It also entails maintaining data backups and ensuring data privacy security which can be a daunting task. When considering running costs, the cost of warehousing, equipment maintenance, and staffing can quickly add up.

Cloud-based inventory management

Cloud-based inventory management involves storing inventory data in online databases hosted by third-party vendors. It is accessible through web-based or mobile applications. Cloud-based inventory management platforms like TradeGecko, Zoho, and DEAR Inventory offer real-time inventory tracking, automatic stock replenishment, and order fulfillment.

The most significant advantage of cloud-based inventory management is that it is cost-effective. Businesses can save on infrastructure, staffing, and other logistical costs, making it an affordable option for small and medium enterprises. Additionally, cloud-based inventory management offers real-time access to inventory data, easy scalability, and reduces the chances of stockouts and overstocking.

However, cloud-based inventory management has the potential for slower speed connectivity and learning curve depending on the third-party synching services. There is also the possibility of disruptions due to internet outages or other platform malfunctions.


Choosing between the two options ultimately comes down to what is best for your business needs. On-site inventory management gives you greater control but comes with greater costs, while cloud-based inventory management is cost-effective but requires trusting third-party vendors to host and manage your data.

Whatever the choice, businesses should carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of both options before making a decision.


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